Monday, April 23, 2007

A note from my delightful, clever and charming godmother

Dear Sara,
I doubt that I have told you how often I visit your website for When
You Were Small. I do so quite frequently, and as I read the reviews and
accolades I glow with pride, as though, somehow, just by being your
godmother, I had some hand in the delightful, clever, and charming
person you turned out to be!
My autographed copy (thank you for the lovely inscription) is proudly
displayed, and pointed out to all who visit my living room. Although I
will never be the "book person" your mother is, I have always loved
books, and I have a cherished cache of much read classics from
childhood, including A. A. Milne, Beatrix Potter, Mary Ganon, and L. M.
Montgomery, just to name a few.
With love, Penny

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